About the course

This seven video series will guide you in discerning how fast (or slow) your organization needs to move to sustain long-term success, seize opportunities, and preserve capital. No organization wants to “burn-out” or “blow-up” learn how the right “pace mindsets” can set your organization up for increasing levels of success. Use the included workbook to help you contextualize and apply the concepts to both you as a leader as well as your organization.
A Course Preview and Cover of The Prioritized Leader - Pace Module

Assignment Content

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    Module 3 - Pace

    • Introduction

    • Session 1: Overview

    • Session 2: Rhythm Essentials of Great Companies

    • Session 3: The Negative Effects of Overswinging

    • Session 4: The Organizational "Tick/Tock" Schedule

    • Session 5: Problems & Pitfalls of an Unhealthy Pace

    • Session 6: Personal Reflection and Team Discussion

    • Session 7: Action Plan